

My name is Marelize and I may be interested to purchase your curio!

If you have a curio, a trinket, knick-knack, bibelot, ornament, bauble, gimcrack, gewgaw, antique, collector’s item, object of virtu, rarity, curiosity, objet, objet d’art, kickshaw, whatnot, dingle-dangle, doodah, doobry, tchotchke, tsatske, folderol, furbelow, whim-wham, bijou, gaud, bygone or any other thingamajig that you want to offload:

Please email me the following:

  1. Photo of the item
  2. Short description including the origin (where it came from and how you came to possess it)
  3. Your asking price range (highest & lowest) or a rough idea of what you want or a minimum that you may accept
  4. Your information and contact information including your name, last name, mobile phone & other info

Send all of the above to me: marelize@curio.co.za